The Heavens declare the Glory of God;
the firmament shows His handiwork ps 19:1
Tho I've heard that text all my life, it meant little to me until I saw the beauty of the universe through Hubble's 'eye'.
Here, in the center of one of the most spectacular sights in the universe [the Whirlpool Galaxy] is God's mark; a reminder of the ultimate gift:
"God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that who ever BELIEVES on Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
John 3:16
Ever wonder;
Is God really there? Does He really Care . . . . about me?
I grew up with Christian values; I knew that God "loved the world", but I never believed He really loved ME. I felt desperate much of the time, and one of those desperate nights I knelt by my bed and prayed, "God, if its not too late, pleeeeease save me."
A few days later as I watched a Louis Giglio video, the image of Jesus on the cross shocked me! I've seen such pictures throughout my life, but for the FIRST time, I saw Jesus as He must have looked---lacerated and bloody!