Kashi said it perfectly:
"Nutrition can change people's lives,
but only if they'll eat it!"

The two great challenges to health are deficiency and toxicity.
So, the big question is:
how/where does one get regenerative nutrition   
keep the detoxification system 
working at optimal levels.

With age and poor food choices we gradually become acidic.  

and, disease thrives in an acidic terrain.

It is our diet and lifestyle that determines how long it takes
 to drain our 'vessel' of vitality and fill it up with toxins.  Symptoms are the body's warning signals.

Unfortunately, doctors do not study what causes health. They study Medicine [pharmaceuticals]. Their focus is not so much on what causes illness as which medicine controls symptoms. Therefore, it is often up to the individual to discover what is the cause of suffering. 


It was a loooooooong, expensive trek I took to figure out what caused my problems:  a faulty and deficient diet. 

The 'Remedy' that worked for me:


One of the best thing about superfoods is;
VERY hard to hurt yourself with superfoods.
My story

It took 14 years to find an answer to my *Phase II Detox Deficiency:  ZEOLITE.  *[caused liver enlargement and discomfort]

However, I do not recommend
any old cheap zeolite you can find. Use a trustworthy source. I recommend: Waiora and PHPfoods. I have used both with very good results but I like PHP price better. I have also purchased cheap zeolite, which I felt
 [NOTE: not a good sign - some organs you're not meant to feel. ie: You feel your stomach when you're hungry. You feel your bladder when its full. If you feel your kidneys, there may be a problem.] 

Zeolite's only function is detox

It works on the principle of activated charcoal,
only better, faster and more effectively!

*Phase II detox deficiency means phase II is not keeping up with phase I. Phase I collects the garbage.  Phase II gets rid of it.  
What happens when Phase II slows?  Garbage piles up.
Zeolite also aids healthy pH because toxins are acidic. 
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